It's already almost the end of March, and I'm sitting here drinking a cup of decaf coffee (that may or may not have a little kahula in it). The little is down for a nap, and I'm thinking about the end of my maternity leave. Tanner will be 12 weeks old on Saturday, and I'm finding that life is starting to return to normal. Well, a new normal.
Pregnancy and labor does a number on you - let me tell ya. I'm recovering well and almost back to feeling like my old self. Tanner is the sweetest little boy. He eats well, naps well, and sleeps through the night! He is a little ball of sideways grins and giggles.
Productivity and routine look different with a baby in the house. Chores and work all happen in short spurts. I can only run one, maybe two errands at a time. For someone that likes to make a long to-do list and plow through it all without stopping - this is an adjustment. But, mostly, I like it. My husband has always been an advocate for helping me to slooow down. Tanner is continuing to show me priorities, and what really matters. I love being his mom and I'm fitting in to this new role better than I imagined.
As for work - well, it's still there! I go back to my part-time job at Grace Road Church next week. I'll work in the office 2 days a week. One day my mom will watch Tanner, and the other day I'll bring him with me. Here's his simple little nursery! As well as a space for me to pump when he is not with me.
As for kj Design - it will also still be churning, but I'm going to keep it smaller for a while. I won't be advertising at Bridal Shows. However, I will be keeping on clients, as well as taking jobs that come in through word of mouth - depending on the job and timing.
Thank you so much to the brides that booked with me while I was pregnant. And for your patience, and flexibility in deadlines. Being able to adjust my schedule and build in months for maternity was amazing, and you helped to make that possible!
My facebook page may be a little quiet, but please don't hesitate to contact me.
If you'd like to follow along with Tanner and what life looks like now, find me on instagram: @kaseyAjohnson