Tuesday, January 19, 2016

No Poo Update



I started No Poo in October 2013. Here we are 2+ years later and I still love it!
Since I started I had a baby! He was born January 2015. My hair has changed since my pregnancy. During my second trimester, my hair was super dry and wouldn't curl at. all. I started to think maybe not shampooing my hair was starting to fail. Luckily, that wasn't the case. Third trimester, and then after delivery, my hair started to get back to it's new normal.

My hair still doesn't curl like it used to. But it is still very healthy and has grown quite a bit longer.
It has less volume. I'm hoping that returns as I wean my son and it grows back. I did lose some hair about 5 months postpartum, but it didn't come out in clumps like some of my friends described their hair did. I don't know if that's just me, or if it has something to do with my hair care routine.

I wear my hair straight a lot more. One because it doesn't curl like it used to, and two because it's easier to care for. I wash it on day one and let it air dry. Day two I straighten it, and then for the rest of the week, I keep it dry in a shower cap and each morning brush it out, and touch it up with a straightener as needed.

I've also discovered the "Wet Brush". I have the wet brush in the shower. It's magic in getting out tangles. One of my complaints with no poo is that I don't use conditioner, so my long hair gets really tangly. The wet brush glides through and gently gets out tangles.

I use the the "Wet Shine Brush" on my dry hair. It has boar bristles in it, as well as detangling bristles. The best of both worlds! I highly recommend both brushes. I purchased them on Amazon.

More info here: https://www.thewetbrush.com/?gclid=CjwKEAiA2ve0BRDCgqDtmYXlyjkSJACEPmdwlKIPpNCvPkI3n9p_IM5HuMRKiZ0nMMclJN8SSWJpERoCX5Hw_wcB

So, that's about it! Still love not using shampoo, and I don't think I'd ever go back!!

See original post with FAQ and How Tos here: http://kaseyajohnson.blogspot.com/2014/01/i-dont-shampoo-my-hair-no-poo.html?showComment=1453219094462#c2130928115254652425


  1. Thank you for your blogs! I just bought all the supplies listed in your first blog (natural boar bristle brush, some BS and ACV, squirt and squeeze bottles) to get started! My reasoning for doing this is that my hair has been getting greasy a lot quicker since moving to San Francisco (humid) from Colorado (dry). I also bike to work with a helmet and my body and hair gets very sweaty, so now I shower every day, and I am wondering if my greasy hair also has to do with the over-washing.

    My main concern with No Poo is that I have straight hair, so I will have to experiment with wetting my hair every day (like your original post suggests) versus keeping my hair dry in a shower cap for showers between washes (like this post suggests).

    Have you ever experimented with cornstarch (b/c I assume dry shampoo would go against the no-chemicals thing) to make your hair look less greasy between washes?? I have found that it works like a charm (sprinkle it in your roots, wait for a couple minutes, and then brush it out), but not sure if it is a good addition to the No Poo lifestyle...?


    1. Thanks for the comment! I actually do use dry shampoo in between washes. I started with Baking Soda. That worked well, but it was a little gritty and made my head itchy. I just started using cornstarch and that works well, and it's much softer than baking soda, so it feels better on my scalp. I think it's a great addition since it's chemical free - just don't use too much during the beginning / transition, otherwise you'll stretch that transition out longer.

      Additionally, I'd like to start searching for a store bought, natural dry shampoo. What I don't like about the cornstarch is that it's messy... and gets everywhere. So If I end up finding something that I like and "no poo friendly", I'll let you know! Alternatively, I might buy a little squeeze bottle for the cornstarch... so that I can direct where it goes better... rather than using my fingers.

      Good luck!!

  2. Thank you for your blogs! I just bought all the supplies listed in your first blog (natural boar bristle brush, some BS and ACV, squirt and squeeze bottles) to get started! My reasoning for doing this is that my hair has been getting greasy a lot quicker since moving to San Francisco (humid) from Colorado (dry). I also bike to work with a helmet and my body and hair gets very sweaty, so now I shower every day, and I am wondering if my greasy hair also has to do with the over-washing.

    My main concern with No Poo is that I have straight hair, so I will have to experiment with wetting my hair every day (like your original post suggests) versus keeping my hair dry in a shower cap for showers between washes (like this post suggests).

    Have you ever experimented with cornstarch (b/c I assume dry shampoo would go against the no-chemicals thing) to make your hair look less greasy between washes?? I have found that it works like a charm (sprinkle it in your roots, wait for a couple minutes, and then brush it out), but not sure if it is a good addition to the No Poo lifestyle...?

